Meet the Team: Ellie Ramanlal, Product Designer


Name: Ellie Ramanlal
Position: Product Designer

1. How did you get started in this field/industry?

When I began my journey into this industry, I had an educational background in commerce/finance with no knowledge or experience in the tech field. However, curiosity led me to attend a coding workshop one day, which prompted a newfound interest to learn more about tech. Wanting to skill-up in this area, I undertook a web development course shortly afterwards. It was during this time that I discovered my love for the design aspect of tech. This naturally guided me to the world of product design and UX/UI, where I now get to spend my time creating intuitive and engaging user experiences at daisee.

2. What do you enjoy most about working with our team/company?

What I enjoy most about working with our team at daisee is everyone’s passion for innovation and collaboration. I absolutely love the dedication of my colleagues - everyone here is always pushing to deliver impactful solutions. Plus, the culture is wonderful. The team here is so supportive and willing to help each other out. It feels great to be part of a team where we're all working together to achieve our goals, and to make a real impact in both the speech analytics space and for our customers. 

3. What skills or qualities do you think are most important for someone in your position?

There’s a few skills and qualities that I think really matter as a Product Designer. Creativity is a big one. This plays a huge role, as it's what drives us to think outside the box and constantly improve how users interact with our product. Being proactive is also hugely important - it's about taking initiative, anticipating challenges, and finding solutions early on to improve our product. And of course, staying committed to continuous learning is a key quality to have in the role, as we’re in a fast-paced field where technology and user expectations are always evolving.

4. What interests you about the AI and Speech Analytics space?

What excites me most about the AI and Speech Analytics space is its constant innovation. It's truly fascinating how we can now transform conversations into incredibly insightful and powerful information. Moreover, it’s remarkable to see how the application of speech analytics in businesses is vastly expanding – from quality assurance, to improving training, to providing actionable business insights. This field is continually evolving and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in technology. It is especially fulfilling to see and be part of the impactful developments in this space.

5. Outside of work, what are some of your hobbies or interests?

In my spare time, I love to draw - it’s my go-to activity to relax and unwind. Travelling is another passion of mine. There’s nothing I enjoy more than exploring new countries, experiencing different cultures, and trying new cuisines.

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